from The Weatherstaff PlantingPlanner – intelligent garden design software
Looking for a gift for the gardener on your Christmas list? This one ticks all the boxes.

The Weatherstaff PlantingPlanner makes a great Christmas present. This exciting garden design software creates bespoke planting plans, tailored to the individual’s own garden. So, what else is good about it?
Why put it on your ‘gardening gifts’ list?
Here are some compelling reasons:
- The recipient is unlikely to have a collection of these from previous Christmases. They may have other garden software – I have a shelf-full – but this one is radically different. It’s the first to use intelligent design logic to randomly generate plans, based on the gardener’s choices of style and colour.
- Downloadable software is extremely economical on wrapping paper! If you want a tangible present to put under the tree, you can download the software and copy it onto a USB memory stick. The download is less than 1/2 GB – so even the cheapest memory stick shouldn’t have a problem with this. Take your time choosing an attractive memory stick – after all, you’ve already saved yourself hours of agonising over the present itself.
- Do you have a friend whose garden you don’t enjoy sitting out in?! This is the perfect gardening gift for them. Next summer, as you sip your Pimms stretched out on their designer deckchair, admiring their beautiful borders, you can congratulate yourself on yet another superbly selected present.
- This is a gift that is not just for Christmas. The recipients of your gift will be able to spend their winter evenings playing with the new software and creating tailor-made plans. It provides an excellent exercise regime for spring. Plenty of reading matter, too, as they peruse the program’s detailed plant descriptions and maintenance schedule. A thing of beauty to admire through the summer and autumn. And a purposeful winter, dreaming of new projects to tackle.
Yes, we know it’s better to give than to receive, but if you were to add the PlantingPlanner to your own Christmas wish list, perhaps one you’ve accidentally left lying around, someone close to you might also know the joy of giving rather than receiving. It’s worth a try…